Breonna S.
Born: August 8, 1999
Illness: Neurofibromatosis, Renal artery stenosis right kidney, neurofibro nodule left kidney, enlarged heart with heart murmur, lesions throughout body and head, Obstruction sleep apena (c-pap), Asthma, High blood pressure, abdominal coaxtation
Quilt Deadline: July 1, 2009
Theme of Quilt: Quilt is now full and closed.  Please check the other children for stitching information.

The following interests are mainly to help you get to know the child better.
You may use what you can towards the theme of the quilt, but make sure that you stitch within the theme. 

Breonna's interests are: Color - Purple, Yellow, Pink. She collects angels, horses, caroulsels, unicorns. She loves to take pictures. Color and play video and computer games. Loves strawberry shortcake, pound puppies, polly pocket, care bears, barbies, babydolls, Disney Princesses.  Breonna lives in IN.

Click here to see the squares for Breonna as they come in for her!  (Please keep in mind that her quilt wasn't opened to stitchers until January 2009)

Breonna is 9yr old.  She struggles from NF 1.  She lives with me her mother and step father, 2 sisters 15, 11 yrs and 1 brother 16yrs.  She has 2 cats.  Her sibilings are very over protected of her.

Breonna was born in August 1999 with a incurable disease called Neurofibromatosis or NF type 1.  We took her to get a kindergarden physcal and found high blood pressure.  The family Dr. sedated her and rushed her down to Riley Hospital in Indianapolis In.  There they hospitalized her and found out that she had a lot of problems.  We stayed there for 5 months in 2004 to find all of this and get the right medication for her.  She was diagonised with severe high blood pressure, renal artery stenosis (right kidney), neurofibo tumor (left kidney), enlarged heart with heart murmur, severe migraine headaches, Neurofibroma Nodules (leasions) in head and through out body, abdominal coaxtation, asthma, obstructive sleep apena (c-pap), besides NF.  Due to all these problems she is on 17 different meds and sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day.  Due to this she gets homebound in the home for 2 hours a day. We go to Riley every month and sometimes 2 to 3 times a month.  She has alot of Dr's. and it seems that everytime we go down she gets more. Thank you for listening and for all the support for breonna. GOD BLESS ALL

Written by Breonna's mom in October 2008
Here is the listing of the patterns that
are being stitched for Breonna!

Thanks!  Breonna's Pattern Listing
Thank you to all who have signed up to stitch for Breonna.  Keep watching the main 2009 page for a link to the scan of the quilt after it is finished!
Click to go back to the 2009 page!